Helping Prepare for Your Big Day with Partial Wedding Planning in Birmingham, MI
Planning a wedding is a major yet exciting challenge. There is a myriad of details to be considered over the months leading up to the event. As time passes, it may become apparent that you need some professional assistance, and that’s where we can help at The China Closet. When you require partial wedding planning in Birmingham, MI, we are here for you.
We’ll meet with you and discuss how we can help. Then we’ll put our expertise into action by creating a plan that will take care of the details you need help finalizing.
However, if you feel more comfortable working with our team from day one, we also offer complete wedding planning services. We price our event planning packages based on your needs and our staff availability. We typically charge $2,800 for partial coordinating and consulting. The initial meeting fee is $125, but it's complimentary if you contract with us.
Our partial coordinating and consulting services will provide you with the sense of relief that comes from knowing you have professionals on hand who are ready to pick up any slack in your arrangement planning. It can be challenging to squeeze every bit of the preparation process into your regular schedule. We are ready to step up and lend a helping hand.
Just a little help needed...
When I received a phone call from a client just two weeks before the wedding, I was surprised! I immediately met with this client and discovered how many fabulous details the mother had created - it had been a passion of hers over the past few months. So much time and energy had been spent putting special touches together HOWEVER there seemed to be a real need for some good old fashioned organization...and that is what brought this delightful client my way!
In meeting with the client just a couple of times, I was able to find out where the "holes" were in their day and I set out to quickly design a detailed timeline that gave them immediate relief from the stres that had been mounting.
When the mother described her daughter's wedding day to me and all of the delightful touches that she had done herself, I was shocked to find that they had no videographer for the day - the bride was certain that she didn't want one "interrupting" her day...I told her how important it would be to include a video and how I really thought that after the fact, she would be very sorry not to have captured her special day on film...I know I did a little arm twisting, but what I hate even more is hearing how a couple wished they had heeded my words when it is too late to, to my relief, Alex, from Fifth and Main, was contracted to record the day...enjoy his clip of this very special day!
This is just one example of a recent client interaction where I felt I was able to make a difference in their day - I was delighted that I could make for a better wedding day for the bride and groom and their families, and have a great recording of the day for the next generation, too!